Club Update during PA Opening Phases

Berks county has gone to the Yellow phase starting today, Friday 6/5. We know that some of our members were expecting the club to open…unfortunately, we will not be opening. During the Yellow phase, bars/ restaurants can open outside dinning at 50% capacity. We, as the board, and with insight from Neil, feel that it would not be feasible to open, without side dinning at 50% only. Our club has a catering/club liquor license. That means, by the governor’s mandate & signed bill HB327, clubs can NOT serve mixed drinks to go. Therefore, we are preparing for when Berks county turns to the green phase. We are in the process of setting up the bar, dining area & outside area for “social distancing”. Once Berks county turns to the Green phase, we will open. When we open, we must follow CDC guidelines for social distancing and only be able to operate at 50% capacity. We will only be allowing MEMBERS ONLY, NO guests, at this time, since it is 50% capacity. Masks must be worn when entering the club, ordering drinks, going to the restroom and any other movement within the club. When seated, you do not need to wear the mask. Tables will be set up with 4 chairs…families only at tables, with a 6′ distance to next table. There will be NO standing at the bar, and bar stools will be set up for social distancing. A serving area has been set up and drinks must be ordered from this area only, with social distancing. We have installed hand sanitizers throughout & touch-less faucets in the bathroom sinks. 

The board is following CDC guidelines & the governors mandates to insure we are doing what is best for the club.

 HOPE to see everyone in the near future.


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