New Rules from the Governor dictate that there will be no in-door dining for the next three weeks. Therefore, Sleepy Hollow will be closed starting tomorrow night (Friday, Dec 11, 2020) at midnight and will reopen Wednesday, January 6th, 2021.
Santa at Sleepy Hollow
We are asking people to let us know on our Facebook Event Page so that we have a good idea of how many to expect. No formal sign-up is required to attend.
Santa Claus at Sleepy Hollow
Trap Shoot Sunday Dec. 6th
Come out for the final Trap Shoot of the year. Breakfast starts at 8:00 AM, Sign-ups start at 8:30 AM and the first squad starts at 9:00 AM. If you are not interested in shooting, come out just for Breakfast and a Bloody Mary.
Membership Meeting Tonight
Reminder – membership meeting is tonight, Friday, December 4 at 8:00 PM. New membership cards are now available and will be available until January 31, 2021 without a late fee and until February 28, 2021 with a late fee. Starting March 1, 2021 membership cards not picked up will go back into the pool of available new members.
SHAC now Closed on Wednesday Night
Governor Wolf just released new orders for Pennsylvania which directs us to close on Wednesday night stating that there will be No Alcohol Sales after 5:00PM on Wednesday, November 25th.
Sleepy Hollow AC Schedule for this week is as follows:
Monday November 23rd – Closed
Tuesday, November 24th – Open at 5PM
Wednesday, November 25th – Closed per Governor Wolf’s order
Thursday, November 26th – Closed for Thanksgiving
Friday, Saturday and Sunday (Nov 27th, 28th, and 29th) – Open regular hours
Sleepy Hollow Holiday Schedule
During the Christmas holiday week, the club will be closed on Thursday (Christmas Eve) and Friday (Christmas Day) but will be open on Tuesday Night (Dec. 22nd) and Wednesday Night (Dec 23rd) .
During New Years week, the club will be closed on Thursday (New Years Eve) and Friday (New Years Day) but will be open on Tuesday Night (Dec. 29th) and Wednesday Night (Dec. 30th).
Sunday Breakfast at SHAC
Come out for breakfast at Sleepy this Sunday. Breakfast is from 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM. Let Neil cook your breakfast tomorrow after you sleep in from a rough Saturday night. Bloody Marys are great for hangovers. Set a reminder.
Celebrate Lock-down Wednesday at SHAC
The country may be going into lock-down mode and the Governor may not want you to celebrate Thanksgiving with your family, but your Sleepy Hollow family still wants to see you. Come out on Tuesday for Tacos and Wednesday for wings. You can lock yourself down on Thursday.
2021 Membership Cards
PLEASE Come out and Support Sleepy Hollow by picking up your 2021 Membership Cards. 2021 Membership cards will be available for pick up at the Club starting Wednesday, 12/02/20.