Trivia at Sleepy Hollow AC with Happy Chad

Mohnton, PA
Tonight is Trivia w/ Happy Chad! And we will have SleepyRitas as the special drink tonight and through the weekend.
Also we have the Espresso Martinis 🍸 and the Pomegranate Martinis still available. So Come on out!! Dot & Jamie are behind the bar!
Week #2 – Our Drink Specials this week are above. Stop by and check them out today Friday, Nov 29th. Jamie is slinging drinks for Happy Hour & then Dot will Join her, Saturday & Sunday Trap Shoot and Football. Just a reminder Sunday December 1st Membership Renewals will Start.
SHAC will be starting something new this weekend!! Saturday and Sunday Drink Specials. This weekend’s drink special is a Gingerbread White Russian.